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Yes, I need care.


Are you looking for a caregiver? Someone with the appropriate qualifications, empathy, and understanding of your situation?  


At,  are you right! We are currently developing this online nursing service to offer you soon an extensive database of nursing staff profiles, where you can find the best nursing staff for you.


Become a member.


Sign up for free and without obligation, and subscribe to our website and its content. Click on "Become a member".


If you are interested in a paid membership, select one of the "Subscriptions" below.

Website Abos für Pflegebedürftige

Wählen Sie den für Sie passenden Tarif

  • Pflegebedarf (3M)

    Einfach registrieren und sofort recherchieren
    Valid for 3 months
    • Alle Online Services für Pflegebedürftige
  • Pflegebedarf (6M)

    Einfach registrieren und sofort recherchieren
    Valid for 6 months
    • Alle Online Services für Pflegebedürftige
  • Pflegebedarf (1J)

    Einfach registrieren und sofort recherchieren
    Valid for one year
    • Alle Online Services für Pflegebedürftige
  • Pflegebedarf (2M)

    Einfach registrieren und sofort recherchieren
    Valid for 2 months
    • Kostenlose Nutzung aller Funktionen für 1 Monat

Es gelten unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Diese sind unter folgender Adresse online einsehbar:

Website subscriptions for those in need of care

Choose the tariff that suits you

  • In need of care (2M)

    Simply register and research immediately
    Valid for 2 months
    • Free use of all functions for 3 months
  • In need of care (3M)

    Simply register and research immediately
    Valid for 3 months
    • Use of all functions for 3 months
  • In need of care (6M)

    Simply register and research immediately
    Valid for 6 months
    • Use of all functions for 6 month
  • In need of care (1Y)

    Simply register and research immediately
    Valid for one year
    • Use of all functions for 3 months

Our general terms and conditions apply. These can be viewed online at the following address:

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