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General Terms & Conditions

1. Scope

1. Strong United eU, GISA number: 34044834, from now on referred to as "Strong United", operates the business of "job placement" and "mediation of work contracts" and provides support services for the assessment of the qualification of nursing staff.

2. "Strong United" operates its brokerage activities through the online platform "" performed by "Strong United" exclusively for the members who register there.

3. "Strong United" members are natural or legal persons who have registered on the online platform and booked a suitable membership subscription.

4. The scope of the services offered and the amount of the corresponding fees are based on the subscriptions concluded.

2. Completion of the order

The contract between the client and "Strong United" comes into effect as soon as the customer books a subscription on the online platform of "Strong United". "Strong United" reserves the right to refuse subscriptions without giving reasons.

3. Registration and Membership, Data Processing

1. Registration takes place by entering the e-mail address of the potential member and receiving confirmation of registration from "Strong United".

2. The membership is concluded with the payment of the booking and enables the use of the "Strong United" online platform for the period defined by the subscription. There is no entitlement to registration and profiling.

3. “Strong United” will point out to the member 28 days before the end of the subscription that any cancellation of the subscription must be sent within 14 days. If no cancellation is made in due time, the subscription is automatically extended by the duration of the initially selected subscription.

4. "Strong United" has the right to remove content from members or to block member profiles at any time, particularly in the case of

  • alleged or false information provided during registration,

  • suspected or apparent misuse of the website,

  • impossibility of authenticating the data entered for registration,

  • Damage or impairment of the functionality of the website and at

  • other severe violations of the GTC.

5. Members with care needs are granted access to the data entered by the care professional. This allows them to contact the nurses through Strong United.

6. The Nurse is entitled to deactivate her profile, withdraw her registration and delete her account. In this case, "Strong United" has to delete all nurse data immediately.

7. "Strong United" processes and stores personal and other information members provide to "Strong United". The protection of personal data when it is collected, processed and used by or on this platform is an essential concern for "Strong United". Legal regulations protect your data. Further details can be found in the data protection declaration.

8. "Strong United" allows its members with care needs access to data of care professionals for recruitment purposes. Therefore, data collected and shared by caregivers in their profile can be accessed, used and stored by members with care needs (clients). In addition, nurses' data are kept strictly confidential and are not shared with third parties who are not registered members of this platform.

9. Members are prohibited from entering incomplete, false or misleading information. Actions that violate network or system security or are intended to do so (e.g. smuggling in malicious software such as viruses or Trojans) are prohibited and prosecuted under civil and criminal law.

10. In cancelling a subscription, “Strong United” will ask how to proceed with the respective profile. You can choose between the immediate deletion of all data or a retention period of 12 months. “Strong United” will offer the same option again in good time before the retention period expires. If you do not respond to this option, the profile will be irrevocably deleted in the course of the following deletion routine.  

4. Place of Performance and Jurisdiction

1. All contracts with members are based on these terms and conditions. The competent court in the district of Steyr is solely responsible for all disputes arising from this. This also applies if the client does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Austria when legal proceedings are initiated. However, "Strong United" is entitled to appeal to any legally competent court. Austrian law applies.

2. Should a provision of these General Terms and Conditions become invalid in whole or in part, this does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In this case, the contractual partners will immediately endeavour to replace the ineffective provision with a legally compliant version.

5. Confidentiality Obligation

1. The members undertake to treat all data and information confidentially and not make them accessible to third parties. This obligation remains in force after the contract's termination and after the end of the business relationship.

2. The member may only use contact data to fill a vacant position or arrange a corresponding work contract.

3. The members undertake to comply with all data protection and personal protection regulations and indemnify and hold harmless "Strong United" should claim for legal violations by members be asserted against "Strong United".

6. Warranty, Damages and Liability

1. "Strong United" guarantees that the information requested by the customer is prepared and published by current technical standards. There are no errors in presenting the requested information if they are caused by the use of unsuitable software and hardware.

2. The members acknowledge that it is impossible to create a completely error-free program, given the current state of technology. "Strong United" is only liable in the event of intent or gross negligence. Compensation for lost profits by "Strong United" is excluded in any case.

3. Maintenance work, updates or similar work on the online platform will be carried out by "Strong United" so that impairments of use do not occur or are kept as short as possible.

4. All agreements, subsequent changes, additions, etc., must be in writing to be valid.

7. Payment, Default

1. "Strong United" is entitled to the payment due to the mediation activity of "Strong United" or its online service. Only the prices agreed and invoiced in the individual case, including the subscription terms formulated there, are decisive.

2. The offsetting of disputed or not legally established counterclaims is excluded, as is a right of retention.

3. The fee from "Strong United" is due upon the conclusion of the contract. It is payable within 14 days of the invoice date. After this period, the client is in default. During the delay, interest is to be paid on the claim at a rate of eight percentage points above the base rate of the Austrian National Bank by § 352 UGB. To collect necessary and appropriate reminders, the customer undertakes to pay reminder fees per reminder in the amount of a flat rate of € 10.00 if this is in reasonable proportion to the claim made. "Strong United" reserves the right to assert further claims based on the legal basis of the delay.

8. Written Form

Amendments and additions to this contract must be made in writing to be legally effective; this also applies to any deviation from these requirements. Oral ancillary agreements are not made or invalid unless confirmed in writing.

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